Good Day All

I need HELP please

Toshiba Satellite M40 WinXP Service Pack 2

The computer starts to boot up for only about 5 seconds and then dies. Fan works, CD works, battery works, hard drive light flashes once...

So far I have removed both RAM chips and placed them in each slot individually, nothing

I've removed the battery and tried to run the computer with only the AC, nothing.

Can't get to the BIOS to set to boot from CD

Can't use the Toshiba recovery CD

The laptop crashed last night just after the critical battery low warning. Since then I have not been able to boot it up. I immediately plugged the laptop in after the screen shut off and then pressed the on button and it went from orange to off.

Any suggestions? Please....


What happens if you remove the hard drive?

What happens if you remove the hard drive?

I don't know. I've never dared remove the hard drive in a laptop. I was under the impression that if the hard drive is dead the comp should still boot up to the BIOS no?

I guess my next step is to remove the hard drive?

A bad hard drive can sometimes keep a pc from posting. If it is in a caddy and is easily removable, I'd pull it and see if the PC can post.

How many memory chips does it have? if it has more than 1 chip. try removing 1 and see if turns on. if not try it with the other one. that way you can check to see if one of the chips died.

How many memory chips does it have? if it has more than 1 chip. try removing 1 and see if turns on. if not try it with the other one. that way you can check to see if one of the chips died.

they did that, as posted .

sounds like its overheating ,can of compressed air blow out the fan and heatsinc on the back or side of laptop

I've now tried all of the above

Removed RAM individually

Removed Hard Drive

Blown out Fan and confirmed it blows properly.

Laptop STILL Dead.

Any last thoughts?


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