I have an Acer 1ghz computer. I installed a new 160 gig hard drive and the computer says that there is no hard drive in system. Please help

Make sure the jumpers are set correctly.

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Make sure to check your documentation that came with the computer.

Yes check the jumpers.

You can also check your CMOS settings on which mode your using. LBA mode is recommended for drives larger than 504 MB and is the only way of dealing with drives larger than 8.4 GB.

Also make sure that the drive slides into the bay smoothly. If it needs force pushing it in the bay, somthing is wrong.

I have an older model ACER one D255 and I also purchased a USb hook up externa harde drive that has worked great other times. I cannot get it to recognize some new guitar software i WOULD LIKE TO DWNLD. IS THERE ANYBODY THAT CAN HELP ME...PLEASE??? I'd really appreciate all the jelp i can get.

wrong format?

Is this a Sata, or and IDE drive? If IDE, then as mentioned you will need to be sure the jumpers are set correctly. If Sata, then that will be irrelevant. Is this to be a new boot drive? If so, then you will need to reinstall the OS on it from CD/DVD/USB drive first, otherwise there is nothing to boot from.

Attatch that hard drive at the secondry cable and boot up the system from the hard drive in which your operating system installed.

there have a jumper setting in HHD. mack sure the jumper setting is in correct mood

Check your HDD cable. and check The Power Cable of HDD.

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