I need external parts for my gateway mx6131 laptop. Everything on the inside works great, even the LCD but the outside has some issues. I need a new bottom chassis, hinge, bevel plate and top case... it cracked in the most inopportune location. I am hoping someone can help me find a fried out one somewhere since all i need is the outside pieces. Can anyone help?

try E-bay

Yeah best way is to buy an identical broken one for cheap which has the bits you need

e.g i had a friend, he had a dead screen. Someone on ebay had the same laptop with a dead motherboard. He baught it, used the working parts from both and in the end got 1 fully working laptop

yes i know both of these things. I already looked on ebay and everywhere else I can think of online for just such a computer but to no avail. I posted because i was out of ideas... thanks for the responses though. Anyone have anything new?

yes i know both of these things. I already looked on ebay and everywhere else I can think of online for just such a computer but to no avail. I posted because i was out of ideas... thanks for the responses though. Anyone have anything new?

could have saved yourself a post had you told us that in the first post.lol
shouldn't be hard to find a broken gateway ,there are lots of them out there

unless you can find a broken one you are out of luck

laptop parts are nonstandard, you need to get parts from gaetway themselves (may not be available, and if they are will probably cost more than a new laptop) or try harder find a broken one you can salvage

yeah i have scoured the internet on this.... there has GOT to be someone out there with one laying in a pile of broken computer parts. I have a few friends who are computer savvy to the full extent of the word. we just couldnt find the parts. i have hopes that said individual with said broken computer will hear my sad plea and respond.

I still havent been able to get what i need. I dont have the tiem to be on top of ebay all the time. I will keep my eyes open though. I just dont want to spend money on some of the parts and not be able to get the rest of them.

good luck ,i don't think someone is going to come to this thread and say, I GOT ONE ! and by the look of the prices on ebay it would cost a couple a hundred dollars to buy the individual parts !

buy a new laptop man

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