I have a dell cpu and can't figure out how to open the casing. I just purchased a wireless system and want to install it but this case is kicking me in the butt trying to figure out how to open it.

a dell cpu? do you mean your computer is from dell? if so CHECK THE WARRUNTY (Spelling) as it will usually be voided if you open the case. Most PC cases should slide or pop apart, with the trickier and more 'solid' ones being screwed together.

thanx for your help and for you humor it really makes me wonder why good help is hard to find .

I did the research and found out that dell cases open like a breifcase by lying on there sides. kind of weird but hope this helps somebody save a couple of hours that I needed to find out how simple it is

thanx for your help and for you humor it really makes me wonder why good help is hard to find .

thanx! theres good help on here, ive had people solve problems for me too!

hope this helps somebody save a couple of hours

wow! well done for getting it open, must of been annoying :)

Just a quick note: You can open a Dell system and not void your warranty. Just be prepared to remove any device from your Dell system that it didn't ship with if you ever need to call them to troubleshoot.

Just a quick note: You can open a Dell system and not void your warranty. Just be prepared to remove any device from your Dell system that it didn't ship with if you ever need to call them to troubleshoot.

Removing every device from my system is far easier said than done. LOL, I scraped my Dimmension 4600 case and made a hand carved wooden case. The only thing standard is the motherboard, CPU, and PSU. If this computer goes out, i'll try my best to fix it, then if that don't work--buy a new one.

Removing every device from my system is far easier said than done. LOL, I scraped my Dimmension 4600 case and made a hand carved wooden case. The only thing standard is the motherboard, CPU, and PSU. If this computer goes out, i'll try my best to fix it, then if that don't work--buy a new one.

You scrapped your Dimension 4600 case? do you mind telling me how you went about removing the thing?

I'm trying to install some new kit into my 4600, both the DDR memory and second hard drive were easy enough to install through the side access hatch, but the new DVD writer is impossible to put into place through the side and it will not slide into place through the front with the plastic case in place.

I would like to know how to remove it without wreaking the damn thing, any help would be really appreciated, cheers.

Dell cases, on the interior, are coated... in plastic. Dell does NOT want you moving anything unless you're confident in replacing a hard drive or inserting a new PCI card. Both of which are normally simple procedures, but challenging with the plastic I speak of. You have to remove the strips of plastic. Because people upgrade their machines, there is no void on the warranty if you open the case. Look for levers on the exterior and start pulling to get inside... no real ideas on how Dell cases work.

Regarding punkrockbboy's issue:
Chances are you need to remove the front faceplate of the case, or in worse scenarios, unscrew the power supply, disconnect it from all devices, and take it out to make more room for the drive. If you'd be worried about reconnecting the power cables, no fear. Everything is keyed to prevent wrong insertions and no damage to your computer will occur if a device or two can't boot without power. Just keep in mind to reconnect anything on the motherboard, your hard drives, and CD drives. Hopefully you won't have to take out power, but it's never a bad thing.

And absolute win points to Sparkplug188 for making a computer case out of wood.

Hey thanks for the advice BeastOverlordH6, but sadly the DVD writers plastic front is to big to slide into the slot from the inside even if i did remove the power supply, it is going to have to go in through the front for sure, fortunately my dad is going to bring round a few tools that may help me get the damn case off, failing that, i'm going to go at it with a crowbar!! :p

Usually when you need tools to remove the faceplate, the case is going to be a problem. Nonetheless, I'd actually pry off the front first, Gordon Freeman style.

I know this tread is half dead, but for those of you still wondering how to get the face plate off your dell caseā€¦

After you take the side of the case off, half of the top will be exposed. Look for a green strip going across the top of the case near the front of the case. Press down on the strip and the front will almost fall off on its own.

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