I have this old laptop that i have scrapped. I am wondering if there is any way i can rip the screen out and use it for something else? Extra monitor? Mini TV?
Or is this totaly impossible. Or cheaper to get a mini plasma :P

eh, dont bother, laptop monitors are ok at best, most dont beat a CRT

I'm an LCD fan (over CRT) but I agree, laptop LCDs aren't really that great that they're worth preserving.

I have this old laptop that i have scrapped. I am wondering if there is any way i can rip the screen out and use it for something else? Extra monitor? Mini TV?
Or is this totaly impossible. Or cheaper to get a mini plasma :P

LCD laptop screens have custom interfaces on top of using digital signals. This makes reuse effectively impossible, unfortunately.

i will give LCD's credit where its deserved >.> however they are not all that great at this current point in time unless your using one made for a mac

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