Hi everyone, I have a Dell Latitude D600 laptop. Recently I had what seems to be a common problem with this particular model in that it would not properly boot up. I sent it in to one of my mother's coworkers that works with IT, and she got it up and running again. But when I got it back, I found that the keyboard was making this strange click-like sound every time I hit a key. I checked, and it's not coming through the speakers, but from some other outlet. Any ideas/answers?

IT could be from the system speaker, are your sound drivers installed?

I believe so, everything else works just fine, speakers, headphones, etc. It's just this continuing clicking when I type. Matter of fact, it rapidly repeats when I hold a key down.

Mute the speakers just to make sure that's not where it's coming from, if it's coming from the smaller system speakers then email dells tech support and see if they have a suggestion. It can't hurt.

I checked it. I tried some headphones to make sure too, and it's coming from somewhere else inside.

I'll see if I can't email them though. Thanks for your help.

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There's a setting in the bios specifically for "keyboard click" on most Latitudes. Have you checked that?

I checked it. I tried some headphones to make sure too, and it's coming from somewhere else inside.

I'll see if I can't email them though. Thanks for your help.

Hi did you find anything as my D830 is doing the same, but i can not see any Bios setting for keyboard 'clicks'

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