About a month ago I was beta testing Win 7. It worked fine for a while and then the keybord and mouse went off whilst I was using the pc. So I restarted the pc.

Now the pc wont start and I get a message "keyboard error or no keyboard present" I have tryed reseting the bios but the defalt is set to halt on all error.

Would it be possable to edit the bios on different pc? if not how can I overcome this prob?


Try booting with a different keyboard.

I have tried with several ps/2 and usb keyboards. I have also tried the keyboards on another pc.

But still no success


I would disconnect all of the unneccesary equipment for posting (hard drive, dvd, mouse, network cable, peripherals, etc.), connect a good PS2 keyboard, reset the BIOS, and then try to boot it. If that doesn't work your BIOS is probably corrupt.

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