Me again all. I have more problems than a squirrel on an eight lane highway...

Right now I have a computer that will only power on and not boot. It doesn't post or anything, just turns on, makes a few sounds and then just stays on. Nothing on the monitor either.

What happened (or what was explained to me) was that the teacher who had this pressd print and it stopped working. I told her not to do it because it had a Spool 32 error that I was trying to fix. Well, she pressed print and it stopped working.

Now I have no idea what to do. I think she did something else, I don't know. HELP!

What kind of sounds? A sequence of beeps? Long and short beeps? If so, this will help to diagnose the problem.

No beeps. IT sounds like the HD is getting power to it and that is about it.

A lot of things could be causing this ,try process of elimination,open case ,remove all addin cards except video ,diss connect cd drives and floppy ,unplug mouse and keyboard and boot computer keep adding things back in /

Me again all. I have more problems than a squirrel on an eight lane highway...

Right now I have a computer that will only power on and not boot. It doesn't post or anything, just turns on, makes a few sounds and then just stays on. Nothing on the monitor eitherhat happened (or what was explained to me) was that the teacher who had this pressd print and it stopped working. I told her not to do it because it ad a Spool 32 error that I was trying to fix. Well, she pressed print and it stopped working.

Now I have no idea what to do. I think she did something else, I don't know. HELP!

I had a machine that did this once I was getting ready to do a slide show for my sister's 6th grade graduation and at the time I did not have a laptop. I got up to the school with my mom and tried to boot the machine I got power and lights and it recoginized the monitor but there was no text and I pulled the cover right there and then and found my processor was lose from the ride so it could also have dust between the processor and the conecting plug. the machine I had is a PIII 450. What type of processor is it? PI, PII, PIII? if its a PI or lower i'd say forget it and buy a new one but hey if ya don't want to part with it yet pull the cover and give it a try jiggle the processor but if its a PI it more then likely isnt that because they are strapped in. lol.

If possible list main system and add-in hardware specs. That will go a long way in the drawing of a conclusion for your dilema.

I dunno if this would help but try re-installing windows.

I'm having the same exact problem with an ASUS mobo and Pentium III processor. Tried taking out the CPU and RAM and reinserting them, no luck. Could a bad video card be causing this? Everything is on but the computer just won't boot up. Anyone have similar experiences or input?

I'm having the same exact problem with an ASUS mobo and Pentium III processor. Tried taking out the CPU and RAM and reinserting them, no luck. Could a bad video card be causing this? Everything is on but the computer just won't boot up. Anyone have similar experiences or input?

I've got the same problem with a MEDION P.IV since 5 months. But sometimes my computer boots, sometimes it deosn't. In fact the first time i switch on my PC in the morning: it's good. When i switch off then on: it don't start anymore (i just hear the fan and see the leds on. No access to the setup and the screen is staying off). After many switch on and off and on and off and on..., it finaly boots again. Dunno why. Thanks if someone coud give a solution.

I'm having the same exact problem with an ASUS mobo and Pentium III processor. Tried taking out the CPU and RAM and reinserting them, no luck. Could a bad video card be causing this? Everything is on but the computer just won't boot up. Anyone have similar experiences or input?

I've got the same problem with a MEDION P.IV since 5 months. But sometimes my computer boots, sometimes it deosn't. In fact the first time i switch on my PC in the morning: it's good. When i switch off then on: it don't start anymore (i just hear the fan and see the leds on. No access to the setup and the screen is staying off). After many switch on and off and on and off and on..., it finaly boots again. Dunno why. Thanks if someone could give a solution.

I mean i've been having this problem since jully 2006. In fact only leds of the cards reader light on and they're keeping that status. Leds of my keyboard my floppy my hard drives and my CD-DVD don't light on.

I would check the USB devices you are having connected to the system at first instance. This has certainly nothing to with Windows or any other operating system. If you have a USB distributor, or USB printer connected, this might help best.

I am also having the same problem with my cuzin's PC w/c she ask me to help her troubleshoot coz i took a course in A+ but for the life of me i just cant figure out what else to do. PC is PIV and running Xp home. no BIOS at all. only power. i tried to take out evything and putting back again. still no change. i found one website in google that says about BIOS savior. but its about bios flashing went bad. but my cuzin has no knowledge whatsoever about flashing any BIOS. she doesnt even know what BIOS is. up till now im still researching over google as to how to fix it when another one of cuzin having "exactly" same problem. now i got two PC on my hand that won't boot up. somebody give me advice pls.

Me again all. I have more problems than a squirrel on an eight lane highway...

Right now I have a computer that will only power on and not boot. It doesn't post or anything, just turns on, makes a few sounds and then just stays on. Nothing on the monitor either.

What happened (or what was explained to me) was that the teacher who had this pressd print and it stopped working. I told her not to do it because it had a Spool 32 error that I was trying to fix. Well, she pressed print and it stopped working.

Now I have no idea what to do. I think she did something else, I don't know. HELP!

Ive had this same problem happen to me. I thought it was the CPU at first, but it ended up being the mobo. If you still dont find a solution. Replace your motherboard.

please give me the clear explanation on wat is no boot issue

commented: Please do not revive a zombie thread. Go and be more familiar with the rules first -1
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