please forgive the lack of proper formatting.

i've spilled water on my only two keyboards and i don't know how to fix them. one puts numbers in my typing like so: the qUi8ck br5own fox jumped over5 the laZy7 dog. the other doesn't make any letters at all. one is a microsoft natural and the other is an microsoft intellitype.

I've spilled water on my only two keyboards and i don't know how to fix them... One is a microsoft natural and the other is an microsoft intellitype.

No recourse. Unless you are an experienced technician, you are unlikely to be able to repair either board.

Heck, I'm an experienced technician--and I probably would only have about a 50/50 chance of fixing either KB. Sorry for the bad news.

how do you spill water on "2" keyboards??
at one time? turn them upside down, let them dry , even use a hair dryer on them.. then when that accomplishes nothing go buy a new one.. and be more responsible with liquids around important equipment.!!

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