I have a Jetway motherboard with a Celeron 1.7 gig chip and onboard video card. We had problems a while ago with the display freezing up. Eventually the screen would not display during the boot process. Right now we are trying to install a new hard drive and install Windows 2000. During the installation process
on the new hard drive it goes through the usual process but when it tries to install the networking tools it gets halfway through and then the display drops out. The small green light on the display starts to flash which tells me that there is no signal. Is this a motherboard problem or a Windows problem. I have tried a separate video card but the same thing occurs. I have a new motherboard if required.

Please help.

David Sims

Are you sure the monitor isn't the problem?

Sounds more like a monitor or a video card problem to me.

Are you sure the monitor isn't the problem?

It happens on all monitors. I installed a separate video card and it still does the same thing. Is it a Windows 2000 related issue?

Sounds more like a monitor or a video card problem to me.

It happens on all monitors. I installed a separate video card and it still does the same thing. Is it a Windows 2000 related issue?

Its probably a motherboard problem then. Try swapping the hard drive out into another PC. If it runs no problems, chances are your mobo has a voltage problem, or its shorting out. Are any caps leaking on the board?

Its probably a motherboard problem then. Try swapping the hard drive out into another PC. If it runs no problems, chances are your mobo has a voltage problem, or its shorting out. Are any caps leaking on the board?

I'm assuming you mean capacitors, and I can't see any leaks if so.

I'm assuming you mean capacitors, and I can't see any leaks if so.

Can you install the hardrive in any other computer? Are there BIOS issues when inserting an existing hard drive in a different computer?

Most of the installation problems i have come accross are down to faulty memory or hard disk
Try some different memory if you can

Also try changing the network card to a differnent PCI slot if it is a PCI card

have fun

I have a Jetway motherboard with a Celeron 1.7 gig chip and onboard video card. We had problems a while ago with the display freezing up. Eventually the screen would not display during the boot process. Right now we are trying to install a new hard drive and install Windows 2000. During the installation process
on the new hard drive it goes through the usual process but when it tries to install the networking tools it gets halfway through and then the display drops out. The small green light on the display starts to flash which tells me that there is no signal. Is this a motherboard problem or a Windows problem. I have tried a separate video card but the same thing occurs. I have a new motherboard if required.

Please help.

David Sims

I'm going to put this very simply - get out that spare motherboard. looking at what you have said in your post it is a mother board problem whereby it looks like you have a conflict somewhere. does the problem still happen after you take out the new hard drive and reinsert the origional one? if not it could be something as simple as an IRQ conflict but i doubt it very much. my suggestion would be to take out the whole motherboard and insert your spare one and then put in your components piece by piece starting with your PSU, CPU ASSEMBLEY and RAM. from here you will have a 'bootable machine'. you will get beeps galore until you attatch things like your onboard graphics and hard drive. if the same thing happens with this motherboard (which i doubt it will do) your hard drive is at fault.

hope this helps and if any more problems let me know.:twisted:

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