ok, i changed my mind and am now going with a FX5200, the 9200se was only 64-bit while the 5200 is 128-bit

I found two models of the FX 5200 and i need to know which one will give me a better performance

One is the 5200plus it has mega clocking memory up to 533MHz and is 128MB

the other is a 5200 and it has 256MB but the memory only operates at 350MHz and the core operates at 280MHz

so i need to know will I get better performance out of 256MB or 533MHz memory clocking?

I'll keep saying this, but buy a new motherboard and an AGP video card.

For what it's worth, the FX5200 sucks. It's on par with a castrated Radeon 8500. Stick with ATi.

I agree with sticking to the 9200 which I believe is based on the 8500 (could be wrong here though), but between those 2 cards I would go with the 128MB 533 memory- there are very few if any games that will even use 256MB of video RAM from some reviews I have read and those probably would run like crap on that card anyways.

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