I need help with reformatting an old computer. I don't know how. It is a windows 98 2nd edition boot, but I try to install and it say scan disk found data that might be lost and kicks me out of win setup. HELP ME

I need help with reformatting an old computer. I don't know how. It is a windows 98 2nd edition boot, but I try to install and it say scan disk found data that might be lost and kicks me out of win setup. HELP ME


Boot off floppy disk and run "fdisk" delete the partition and then create new partition. Reboot from floppy disk and type "format c:" when thats complete boot from your windows 98 cd and the setup should complete. Thats assuming your hardware is working properly.

Good Luck


hi, thanks it worked like a charm. up and running, but I also need to know where to go to get some drivers for monitor and other things. any suggestions?


The provided "Plug & Play Monitor" drivers should be sufficient, but we can't tell you where to get drivers for your other components without knowing what they are.

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