Hey guys I have a major PC problem. When I turn my pc on it loads everything up and the freezes. It won't do anything I have to turn the power off to do anything. If I turn it on then rush to enter safemode before everything loads I can open it in safe mode. I opened it in safe mode and did a virus scan and a spybot scan and nothing at all. What can I do to fix the problem or a program that could help me. I also can't do a system restore either.

I am in a rush because I start a new job Monday and won't have access to another internet PC. So Please help!!!!!!!!

It's probably a driver that causes the hangup. Did you install any devices before the problems started?

Yes I installed a antivirus program. But I uninstalled it too with no luck...

I meant devices with drivers. It's them who can cause a system to behave strange. At which point does the startup process stop? Maybe you could deactivate a couple of components such as video card, sound card, USB devices etc. in device manager in safe mode and then see if it starts up.

Another way, for advanced users:

Hit F8 during startup and choose Enable Boot Logging. Then, after the PC locks up, start the recovery console using the Windows XP CD. Locate the file ntbtlog.txt in your %windir% and copy it to a different folder, for example c:. Then restart your PC into safe mode and open the ntbtlog.txt file. The last file that the System tried to start is normally the file that causes the problems. If it is a driver, then you know which device you need to reinstall. But there can also be error messages that you need to take a look at.


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