My usb key is not being recognized by my laptop. When I plug it in it says insert disk - also it is indicating that there are 0 bytes. Can anyone give me a solution for retreiving my data?

Does the usb stick work in other computers?

I guess you have encountered RAW drive. Did it remind you "The disk in drive F is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?"

Check the file system, did it report RAW?

At this time, the content on your drive will be reported as 0 byte. To recover files from a raw usb flash drive, you can read this article

no it doesn't - it say insert disk drive

have you try it in other computers?

does it work?

I have the same problem only my drives do work on other computer. Did you ever find a solution?

I did start a new thread - USB Flash Drive & SD Card reader/writer both recognized but not open(Format)

I had the same problem (for over a year):

My problem was a bad system32 driver named FastFat.sys

A brief description of steps to repair the problem:

Boot Windosw XP (using boot disk) in Repair Mode
Renamed the old driver C:\Windows\System32\Drivers FastFat.old
copied a new FastFat.sys driver to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder

Rebooted normal and all work well for me! I can now read and write FAT files to Thumb drives and SD Cards. I hope that this is of help to you.

flash drive is ot being recognized by laptop, then there is no chance to recover the data on it.

The same thing happend to me. My USB had Software it needed to install manually, Annoying I know but if you do this it should fix it.

I have had this problem with Win7 when accessing large (bigger than 2GB) drives that are perfectly accessible from Windows XP and Linux (FAT-32 drives). I don't know why this is an issue with Win7, but it is a PITA!

try to format your usb first and then try again

If you format the drive, as suggested by sheikhali449, you should try formatting as NTFS (Windows NT File System). That way you can eleimnate a problem with the FAT system.

it is possible that ur usb port is not in working mood. check computer
with a good anti-virus.

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