I have a laptop and it is giving some problem. Whenever I start the computer, it booted up to "Press F2 to go to Setup" and freeze thereafter. How can I remedy the problem?

I've had something similar once after a power glitch. (That won't happen again!).

The RAM, motherboard and hard drive needed to be replaced (on a PC).

On a laptop, I'd still guess that you've got a hard failure. You haven't got past the Boot ROM BIOS. So it can't pull in the MBR.

Last hope is to try and boot from the Windows DVD/CD and use the Repair Console. If it won't let you do that, then you're stuffed IMHO.

i have a pc that wont boo up, when i power on the pc, all it display is the name and the model of the video card then after that just gray screen and the hard disk activity is continous co'z the hdd activity led is on

i have a pc that wont boo up, when i power on the pc, all it display is the name and the model of the video card then after that just gray screen and the hard disk activity is continous co'z the hdd activity led is on

This usually means that there is a read error or bad sector in the MBR (Master Boot Record). Booting from the Windows CD/DVD into the Repair Console and running FIXMBR should cure the problem if I've correctly identified it across this distance.

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