I m having great problem in my dell inspiron 1525.
Suddenly whole my hard disk become corrupted,and when i tried to format it. It is taking too much time
then come that I hated most BSOD (Blue Screen Of death)
Can any one help me to open up my laptop n fix it.

more over Dell`s costumer care is not responding,they r waiting for completing the 45 days warranty period left

Can any one help me to open up my laptop n fix it.

yeah ,wait till i get my screwdriver!
you may void your warranty if you open it

more over Dell`s costumer care is not responding,they r waiting for completing the 45 days warranty period left

don't let them wait demand to send it in for repair now!!

I do not quite understand what you are trying to do here?

a) if it still has 45 days warranty can't you simply return it for a replacement?

b) I would try and fix without opening the laptop case and removing HDD first. If you have internet access from another PC try downloading Hard driver diagnostic tools (normally in ISO format so you burn it straight to CD) then boot from said CD and run scan on your HDD to determine any damage.

What symptoms lead you to believe the HDD is completely kepunkt?

c) Removing the actual drive. If you feel you are going down the vigilante DIY repair route then. There are 2 screws on underside of laptop near corner of where the HDD is located. Remove these and simply slide the HDD out of the case. You can then see the make and exact model of the drive for further trouble shooting and diagnostics. If you want further instructions there is comprehensive guides in the support section of dell.com

I have had problems in the past with Dell recovery disks not working rather than the actual HDD being at fault.

A*) I would certainly get back in touch with Dell and get them to sort whilst still covered. I have always found Dell to be decent build quality and good after sales support.

You need to get on the phone with Dell and clearly request the machine to be sent back for warranty repair. If that doesn't work and you don't get an Return Merchandise Authorization, let us know!

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