I have a core 2 duo 2.8 Ghz processor.But my computer runs slow.Without running any programs It shows around 50% CPU usage and shows that 94% of core1 is being used.
Whenever i insert pendrive after some time Blue screen comes and displays Physical Dump Memory...the pc gets restarted and then it fails to detect one my hard drives and hence fails to boot.
After restarting 2-3 times,it resume normally if luck prevails.And when the computer starts, it makes lot of noise as if coming from the chasis fan.

It could be a problem with your motherboard.It might have shorted out like mine did a year ago or it could just be faulty and old.

First make sure that you aren't being hijacked by anything.

You should then replace the motherboard to see if your computer runs ok with a new one. If that doesn't work then get some different ram and see if your computer runs like it should.

If that doesn't work, see if you can reformat the system because something may have gone wrong during the first install.

If you dont think that the problem lies where i think it is, just be more specific with the specs and how long this has been happening.

It could be a problem with your motherboard.It might have shorted out like mine did a year ago or it could just be faulty and old.

First make sure that you aren't being hijacked by anything.

You should then replace the motherboard to see if your computer runs ok with a new one. If that doesn't work then get some different ram and see if your computer runs like it should.

If that doesn't work, see if you can reformat the system because something may have gone wrong during the first install.

If you dont think that the problem lies where i think it is, just be more specific with the specs and how long this has been happening.

i think trying the windows reinstall would come before buying a new motherboard

hijack can't be an issue as i don't have network connection.I tried by formatting the system and reinstalling windows but in vain.
My pc was working properly before till recent when it is failing to boot immediately and showing Phy...dump.... error when i insert pendrive (not always).Thus i don't think there's problem with RAM.

.. error when i insert pendrive (not always).Thus i don't think there's problem with RAM.

maybe you do have a mboard problem

It could be a faulty mobo. One my old PC every time i inserted anything into the front USBs it would just reboot.... Did it no matter what device or OS, and never did it with any other sockets.

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