My G4 CD drive has suddenly stopped working, with an AirPort CD stuck inside it. I was installing an AirPort Extreme card, and followed the onscreen install commands. When it came to the restart instruction the Mac rebooted but the CD drive was dead, with the disc inside it. The eject button has also stopped working.

Even tho I was nowhere near the CD drive when the box was open, could something have happened? If so, what? I can't believe the drive really is dead, as it worked perfectly well up to the point I came to install the new card, etc.

Any thoughts? Many thanks.

Have you restarted? Removed the CD from the drive? Blown it (the CD drive) out with compressed air?

. . . and after a fair bit of de-dusting (I opened the box), and checking connections, it's all back working just the way it should.

Thanks for your good advice!

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