Hello friends,
I am having IBM ThinkPad R51, around 4 years old. The system is working fine. Recently it started showing single thin line. After some days another line start appearing.
I shown the system to laptop engineer. He suggested me to replace entire screen.

Is this really the problem of LCD screen or some other problem? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Hello friends,
I shown the system to laptop engineer. He suggested me to replace entire screen. .

ok i'll say no ,you believe me or a laptop engineer.
im no engineer but i have to agree with one !

I had a problem on a T series where the internal video cable (ribbon type) broke down due to heat and caused artifcats on the screen. Maybe a similar issue?

I would agree with the engineer though, new screen is probably the wy to go.

When I changed the LCD panel itself, I found that the source of the problem is the panel, not the video card, not the wireing... You only need to drop out the old LCD panel and get a new one. You cannot repair the wrong panel.

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