Hiya! New guy here. My problem didn't seem to exactly coincide with the common ones listed here, so I'm hoping y'all can help.

My WinXPPro SP3 system gets to the Windows logo screen and then reboots itself...in an endless loop. The system was purchased 15 months ago...a MusicXPC (music production machine) - 4 hard drives, Intel core duo, 2gb RAM, ASUS P5QC mobo. It has worked fine for just over a year.

I replaced the system hard drive with a new one (1TB) yesterday, formatted it, and re-loaded Windows. Everything seemed fine until I loaded the drivers for the ASUS, at which point it started the reboot-loop thing again! Huh?

I can't think of many more things to try. Does anyone have experience with something like this?



As per the permanent post at the beginning of this section, if you get this far, it probably isn't hardware but given that it started happening after you loaded the Asus drivers, it still could be. You'll want to go through the hardware checks for memory, fans etc just to be sure. The link below provides some additional info that might be useful. I'd also do a search on your motherboard to check for any known problems and ensure that the drivers you are loading are the latest.


As per the permanent post at the beginning of this section, if you get this far, it probably isn't hardware but given that it started happening after you loaded the Asus drivers, it still could be. You'll want to go through the hardware checks for memory, fans etc just to be sure. The link below provides some additional info that might be useful. I'd also do a search on your motherboard to check for any known problems and ensure that the drivers you are loading are the latest.

Thanks chrisea. A few more tests have convinced me it's a BIOS issue. I got everything working with a new hard drive, but then I tried to restore the BIOS back to the "Factory" setting as set by Music XPC, who tweaked it for optimum music production circumstances. But I still can't figure out how to update the bios. Grr.


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