I have a comp at home with celeron 1 giga hz 810 motherboard with 256+128MB ram , 40 GB HDD seagate, LG CD-RW, Samsung CD-ROM, with two PCI cards - Modem and a TV tuner Card (BT848 chipset) and Windows XP Service pack 2 installed along with some softwares.

But my system restarts at any time unknowingly cause lot of work to lose. Please help to overcome this problem. Even my friend also having same problem.

are there any error meseges or a blue screen?
any beeps out of the norm signs?
does this happen durning certain usage (many programs running, only while playing music/games ... so on)
does it usualy take a few minutes or is does it happen as you just log in some times?

basically anything more you might be able to toss in there


are there any error meseges or a blue screen?
any beeps out of the norm signs?
does this happen durning certain usage (many programs running, only while playing music/games ... so on)
does it usualy take a few minutes or is does it happen as you just log in some times?

basically anything more you might be able to toss in there


My friend, It restarts some time i work with virtual dub. while surfing websites. while using arcobat reader (very rarely). No blue screens, sudden restart. It does not restart during booting process.

lets see
if you trurn your computer on and not use it does it still restart?
-just turn it on and leave it alone for a few hours

there are a few things that can cause it to happen but without an indecator its really hard to say
over heating is the first thing that comes to mind
-even tho some comuters have indicators such as beep warnings or
something, some can just force an off / reboot
some manufacturers skim on cooling solutions by trying to make an effieceint encloser / enviorement
however with time dust can clog up fants / heatsinks killing its efficiency

-quick check is afer reboot check the bios (health status or smoething too
many diferent names) should have a cpu temp

intermittent / failing power supply
- not sure an easy way to check for this

defect in memory or mother board or conflict in devices
windows is far from perfect in making desisions about its resourses
especially with some older hardware it may choose an irq or an io address that something else uses
commonly sound card and mouse / video / network card

over time defects can become aparent in hardware also

most of these cases would leave windows creating some sort of an error

-there are many possibilities and many way to try and get to diagnose and
check for this. before we even atempt any lets take a look at a windows
to do this
Go to controll pannel>andministrative tools>computer management
then click the plus next to even viewer
thers some stuff in there look through the logs see if thers any errors or
warnings. (i would be a bit momre specific but i'm not sure how accurate
googles image search is trying to do it form memory so the titles may be
a bit off)

any case lets start with that


I have the same query, i experience this one too. My problem is it restarts from 5-10mins in the FIRST TIME i boot it on that day. Then if it restarts already it wont retart anymore. This happends every after i boot it after the machine being off for more than 4 hours. hope you can help me out. thanks in advance :confused:

Hi. I too have the same problem where my PC may reboot at any time. It my go half an hour or 5 mins. I have added new hardware; the temperature in PC Health in the BIOS semms fine so I suspect it may be the power supply.

Oops sorry -sent the message 2x in error.

I have found some solutions:
1. Go My Computers>Properties>Advanced>StartUp & recovery>settings> and turn off Automatically restart check box.
2. If that does not work, I have a strange solutions which requires u to remove all the PCI cards. go to bios and select update ESCD, reboot ur PC and wait for Windows Logon. Shutdown. Isert PCI cards. again select the Update ESCD, and reboot. Tell is this worked.
3. Try to install windows XP (SP2) from a different copy. not from the same source or replicas of it. and update it. Tell me is this worked.

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