Hi Guys
I'm new here.
I 've been repairing computers for a long time. I just recently ran into a laptop that had a bad power adapter connector on the motherboard. While replacing it a surface mounted component labeled RV1 came off the motherboard and quickly disappeared.

Any ideas on what type component RV represents?

There is a second component labeled rv2 near by.

The laptop works but doesn't detect that the battery is plugged in now. a problem which I believe didn't exist before the repair.

What's the model of the system?

It is a Dell Inspiron i1200.

Thanks Guys

I think thats it!! hmmm, a "Metal Oxide Varistor" I have search high and low for one for on another scrap circuit board. no luck??

Digikey.com seems to have a surface mounted component just like it, but I have no Idea about the voltage rating or capacity. The ones they have are rated 5 volt and several amps. The power supply is 19 volts 3.1 amp DC.

They are small!!!I have tried putting the laptop back together with out it and now the battery is not recognized?

I just had another dell laptop come in which has had liquids spilled on it. I will get to see if it follows the same circuit design. It is not scrap at this point so I won't be able to rob it if it follows the same circuit design. yet!!!

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