Well, recently i have updated to window 7, home edition. I have upgraded from my XP sp2, but now, i want to go back to XP. I cant restore my pc because my cd drive is broken. So is there anyway to restore my Sony Vaio? & when i reboot my comp and at the beginning screen, i press f11 to go into system restore but nothing happens, its just reboots. so is there any way to restore my sony vaio back to factory?

If you downloaded it, it not a System Disc.

Oh oops, well i dont have the cd then. what do i do?

Hmmm, the only legal way to obtain a copy of windows is purchasing it.

What I can do is suggest a very nice alternative to Windows and the Mess it is.

I was standing where you are a few months ago, I wanted a new OS, but windows Vista was just an awful experience.

I tried Ubuntu was a treat and I have fully converted to Linux.

I would suggest you try:


Hmmm, on the usb stick, if i have other stuff on it with the boot for ubuntu would it still work? or does it only have to be ubuntu on it?

Well yeah you have to clear the USB Drive.

You can do that when you are running LiveCD.

Hmm, im downloading ubuntu right now. Thanks for your help (:

Hmmm ! Well would a memory card work? Like an SD card?

Hmm, there is a tiny problem.

I forgot you said your CD-Drive is bad, so you are going to have to have a secondary PC, I guess the one you are using right now to do this.

But i thought i could just hook up the usb,
Right click on the ISO image,
Burn to disk
Select a disk burner (drive) and choose 'Burn'

Yeah, but you need a running machine

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