Hey everyone. I was wondering if the Dimension XPS Gen4 can support two processors. Right now, I have one Pentium 4 3.6GHz processor and was thinking about installing another one.

if the board supports 2 processors (ie if it has 2 processor sockets) then i cant see why not.

Hey everyone. I was wondering if the Dimension XPS Gen4 can support two processors. Right now, I have one Pentium 4 3.6GHz processor and was thinking about installing another one.

and the answer is nope! sorry. why would you want to install another one anyway? it has a 3.4 ghz 1066mhz fsb p4 prosessor. If you want to improve graphics you can get a better graphics card but you probably have the standard 6800 graphics card (unless you upgraded). There are only 2 nvidia cards that are better right now...you wont see any huge increase in speed or gaming. Save your money for a nice display or something....

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