hi this is hiren from mumbai (india) i am planing to buy a new RAM Of 1 gb for my desctop but dont know wat is the price going on nowdays if any one have idea then please tell me the good companies along with cheaper rates thanks in advance

Which type of RAM? DDR2 or DDR3 or maybe even DDR1? Ram prices fluctuate alot, and the older the technology the higher the price.

DDR1 is probably not even available anymore, I am not sure if DDR2 is out of the market yet but if it hasn't it will be soon too.

Looking for DDR2 RAM

OK, There are millions of names in Memory, well not millions but there are a lot.

I would suggest you look at this site . if the cookie expires please navigate to Memory section on http://www.newegg.com

It will give you a general idea of the price and variety.

In India I understand prices are lower, and you will find alot more variety with cheaper not well known brands.

What you want is lifetime warranty, if they can't offer it to you then don't go for it.

Don't get me wrong I have bought chips that have no warranty and they have worked for me for 5 to 6 years where I Upgrade my PC and don't need them anymore, but I can't recommend them to you as I don't want you to take the risky route, better safe than sorry right?

can i purchase ram from india via this site and if yes then how i will come to know rate in Rs and thanks finito for reply

I gave the site as a reference of the price range in Rs.

Expect a -50~+50 Rs difference in Price. I don't know the Indian Market, but you should be able to find it cheaper in India itself.

Here look this is the first Hit from google http://www.theitdepot.com/products-RAM+%28Memory%29_C6.html

Look for online retailers it's as easy as google.

i inquired in andheri (MUMbai)
kingstone:- 1250 Rs with three tears guarantee
trancend:- 1250 Rs with one year guarantee
dynet :-1100 Rs with one year guarantee
so so i planing to by kingstone

is my decission ok

Kingston is one of the most Faked Brands there is, but if the Guarantee is being Offered make sure he/she will write/mention that on your receipt.

If they will mention it then go for it otherwise go with trancend as that brand I trust with my eyes closed, once again make sure the Guarantee is mentioned for either one in the receipt.

ok thanks for advice will gor trancend thanks for your help

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