I want to format my PC but I am curious to know if there is any difference between DOS formatting, Windows (while installing) formatting or quick format..
Could someone give me an answer please..

Thank you,


As far as I am aware, there isn't any functional difference to the end user.

Quick Formatting simply clears the file table. Doesn't zero out any data. I am not positive if the other types of format zero out the data or not. If you had to securely delete something, you would want a program that goes out and flips the bits in the filespace to a random pattern to zap the data.

In normal file systems, when you delete a file, you merely remove it from the "table of contents" so that the OS no longer knows where it is. Thus, the space will be used some time in the future, when the OS needs it.

Now, there are Differences in how each of the systems above PARTITION a hard disk.

DOS will use FAT16, or sometimes FAT. Windows, depending on the version, may have FAT32 or NTFS. These partition schemes affect the security of the volume, along with how many files and how large the volume may be. DOS is unable to see NTFS filesystems unless special software is used. Linux has a hard time working with NTFS for writing to the volume, although there are work-arounds being developed.


.... and what about the format after prassing F8 when u install windows form beginning will that do the same thing .. lets say that now i have NTFS system file and i wanna format my PC which format option out of the three should i use....

Format after press F8
Quick Format after F8

thank you


I would do the complete format. I occasionally use quick format for floppy disks, but for hard disks, I would rather take the time to see if there are any dead sectors on the disk before we start putting file system information on it.

Take the time at setup to do it properly, before you get too involved with the rest of the OS, and then have to start hunting down bugs.


Got it.. thanx

appreciated Man

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