my dell "DELL GX400" have been notifying me of recent that it's low of virtul memory. and during this notice some work like printing will no longer be possible and i have been finding it difficult to solve the problem. please any body with an idea should help please. many thanks for your support.

I am willing to bet your running windows XP. What the error means is that you need to increase the size of the virtual memory file (also called page file) on your computer.
Before you go to change the size of the file you need to check how much space is available on your hard drive and know how much memory you have installed in the computer.

To change the virtual memory file size use the following:

  1. Right Click My Computer and select Properties from the list.
  2. Click the tab at the top labeled Advanced and the dialog box will change to show three groups.
  3. Click the settings button under performance
  4. Select the tab at the top labeled Advanced and you should see a group called Virtual Memeorn at the bottom of the dialog box
  5. Click Change and a new window will open with options for the location and size of the paging file.
  6. The size of your virtual memory shuld be at least 1024MB no matter how much memory you have and no more than 3072MB as a max. This is my personal opinion and not a microsoft or standard setting.
  7. Change the setting and select ok to each of the dialog boxes as you go out. then reboot.

thanks for your support, your explanation is quite understandable. i will get back to you to give you a feed back. thanks one more time.

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