I have a Gateway P-6860fx. The operating system is Vista.

When I turn the laptop upside down, I see two fans. There is a fan on the left side and a fan on the right side.

What do these fans do? Should both these fans run while I am using the computer?

Practically fans are used to blow away hot air and keep the inside as cool as possible. They should work if while you're using it.

I have a Gateway P-6860fx. Should both these fans run while I am using the computer?

not all laptop fans run all the time ,some only run when the cpu reaches a higher temp that the minimun set in the bios ,and the bios turns on the fans to cool down the cpu

How do I check that the fans are working correctly?

I have downloaded Speedfan and HWMonitor. These softwares do not tell me anything about my fans.

Two and a half months ago, the laptop shut down while I was using it.

A week ago, I used the laptop for 7 hours and I shutdown. Three hours later, I booted up the computer. After it booted up, the screen was split in half. The icons of the desktop were on the top half of the screen and the same icons of the desktop were on the bottom of the screen. I shutdown. A minute later, I booted up again. Everything looked normal.

Since this incident, I have not stayed on the computer more than a hour. Based on Speedfan, within a half hour, the GPU temperature is hot. There is a symbol of fire next to the temperature. Within a half a hour GPU reaches 50C.

sound like the fan not spinning is broke,or got unplugged somehow

The laptop is out of warranty.

Should I mail it back to Gateway.

Should I take to a local repair shop?

How do I find a reputable repair shop in my area. I look in the yellow pages, but how do I know which is a great shop that will fix my laptop correctly.

The laptop is out of warranty.

Should I mail it back to Gateway.

Should I take to a local repair shop?

How do I find a reputable repair shop in my area. I look in the yellow pages, but how do I know which is a great shop that will fix my laptop correctly.

the choice is yours as to who you get to repair it for you check around as for a quote on how much it will cost first , or check with better business bureau in you area about any complaints about local businesses

Local repair shop would be much cheaper. Always test when picking up the laptop, by running something that puts the cpu to work at maximum, see if it crashes. If it does, ask for your money back and find another shop.

Maybe You Put Your Computer On A Smooth Surface Maybe It Could be Blocking The Fan And Causing It To Overheat Or Spoiling The Fan.. This Is My Only Idead That I Have got

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