0 Vaio Desktop wont start
Expand Post » My Sony Vaio Desktop Rx 660 will not start. I turned my computer off for the weekend and after returning on Monday I tried turning my computer on and nothing will happen. I took apart my computer and after inspection and some cleanup inside it failed to recieve any power from the outlet. I suspect its the power supply, but am confused because I have recieved no indication from anything in my computer of what the problem could be. Occasionally it would take a couple of touches before it would startup before, ANy hlp or indight would be appreciated. Thanks

Do you have a meter to test the fuse in it's plug with?

You have bigger problems if the scanner is set to start first, and has tried three different boot disks, boot and none of them. The optical drive seems to be changing.

When you replace your optical drive, so you can work on starting a Vista or Windows 7 disc. When your scanner works to repair your startup file manger is made as simple as booting a Vista or Windows 7 installation disc and choose Startup Repair.

When you took apart your computer to clean it up did you remember to check all your power connections before reassembling it? when cleaning it is quite possible to often knock one or two of the small pin connections for the front panel switches off the motherboard pins.

If you have checked all of the connections to the motherboard then i suspect it might be down to a faulty fuse in the plug or more seriously the power supply unit has failed. try another cable from the wall socket to the PC and if still nothing then the bad news is that its the PSU thats gone down. dont worry though, pretty straightforward to replace it.

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