I have a slight problem with my graphic card. I have a GeForce 3 Ti200 but when I recently had another problem I (in the Device controller) tried to update the drivers. That problem wasn't solved, but more important, when I rebooted it turned out my computer no longer recognised my graphical adapter as the GeForce it is.

When I look in the Device Controller now, the device is now not referred to as GeForce, but just VGA-controller. However, it workes correctly. When I right-click on my desktop, go to Properties, tab Settings, go to Advanced, my Adapter seems to be totally unknown. It seems my only problem for now is that in this particular window also the tab 'GeForce3 Ti200' no longer is available and I cannot (with nview) display anything on my connected tv-screen, but other and more serious problems might arise later.

Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? I tried new drivers form Nvidia.com, but that doesn't work. Hope anyone can help me.


I have a slight problem with my graphic card. I have a GeForce 3 Ti200 but when I recently had another problem I (in the Device controller) tried to update the drivers. That problem wasn't solved, but more important, when I rebooted it turned out my computer no longer recognised my graphical adapter as the GeForce it is.

When I look in the Device Controller now, the device is now not referred to as GeForce, but just VGA-controller. However, it workes correctly. When I right-click on my desktop, go to Properties, tab Settings, go to Advanced, my Adapter seems to be totally unknown. It seems my only problem for now is that in this particular window also the tab 'GeForce3 Ti200' no longer is available and I cannot (with nview) display anything on my connected tv-screen, but other and more serious problems might arise later.

Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? I tried new drivers form Nvidia.com, but that doesn't work. Hope anyone can help me.



Do you have any onboard graphics? If so, if it is enabled along with an installed card... there may be software conflicts with each other and/or windows. It's uncommon but very possible.

If no on-board graphics is present, it sounds like whatever driver was installed to fix the DC issue... has played havoc with your card. A new NVidia driver install SHOULD work...

Try this...
Go to your ADAPTER setting tab and click PROPERTIES. New window pop up--> click DRIVER tab--> Click UPDATE DRIVER box. Do a search for suitable drivers(recommended) and try searching Microsoft Windows Update. See if it pulls a driver out. If so, DL and install that one. Chances are it isn't the "most recent" by NVidia standards but it should get your graphics card setting back. Then go to NVidia.com and install the latest one by them.

If MWU does not find a driver, insert the driver CD that came with your card and use that one. You may get a message saying it isn't as new as the one you are using currently, ignore that message and install the CD's driver. This should bring your settings back to the way you had them and again, go to NVidia.com and DL the latest by them.

See if this helps at all. Let us know.


I have a slight problem with my graphic card. I have a GeForce 3 Ti200 but when I recently had another problem I (in the Device controller) tried to update the drivers. That problem wasn't solved, but more important, when I rebooted it turned out my computer no longer recognised my graphical adapter as the GeForce it is.

Which version of Windows are you running? Under Win 9x, it is somtimes necessary to run a utility like Detonator Destroyer to clear out the remnants of the earlier versions of the nVidia drivers.

Let us know which Windows you are running, and we will go from there.

Sorry I did not mention the system I am using, TallC, kinda new to these forums, so.... I use Windows XP Home Version. Trezier, in ADAPTER => PROPERTIES I cannot click DRIVERS as there are now installed no drivers whatsoever. I tried manually to find something at MWU but that's not gonna work...
I don't know if there was a CD with the video adapter, but I'll know that within two days as the real owner of this system comes back from his holiday.
I really want to thank you for wanting to help me though, guys!

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Download the latest stable drivers from http://www.nvidia.com 53.03's I think..

then go to http://www.driverheaven.net/cleaner/ and get the latest driver cleaner. Run it. Follow its directions implicitly.

After the removal of your drivers via drivercleaner...you will be able to install your Nvidia drivers without any problems. Your graphics problem will be solved.

It's a known problem for Nvidia's old graphics drivers to 'hang around' the OS in the registry and in system files and causing corruption and blue screens. Using the drivercleaner will properly remove all Nvidia drivers and allow only the default windows driver to install after removal. From there, you'll be able to install the latest Nvidia drivers and have your card up in no time.

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