Ive just recently built my own pc, and i then wanted to use the harddrive from my old pc.

I placed it it fine and everything, got the data from it i needed and then wiped it clean, made a new partition and everything seemed fine.

The problem i get is that wen i now into intro the drive through my computer is that if i move around to quickly or try to double click quickly, a blue screen appears and then suddenly the computer reboots itself.

Anybody have any idea what the problem could be???


I would re-install the mouse and video drivers. DON'T USE MICROSOFT'S DRIVERS. If that doesn't help, try running the machine on a single memory stick to find if either (assuming you have two) are defective.

I would start with that, and then see what happens.



I would re-install the mouse and video drivers. DON'T USE MICROSOFT'S DRIVERS. If that doesn't help, try running the machine on a single memory stick to find if either (assuming you have two) are defective.

I would start with that, and then see what happens.


K, will give it a go

ill get back to you,

any1 else have any ideas in the mean time if this doesbt work??

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