I'm planning to buy a new pci 64mb video card to enhance the graphic performance. I am confused what video card I should use, with ddr or sdr specs. What do you think about this? Is it possible to attach the 64mb video card to my old pc? Thanks

Compaq Presario 7400 with 8mb Trident Blade3D/MVP (63) integrated video, 256mb SDRAM, planning to run dual systems (Win98 & Win2K), no agp slot

Enhance what exactly fren? Is there a particular application in mind?

Also, the type of RAM used on the card has no connection with the type of RAM used on your motherboard. Either type (SDR/DDR) will work fine.

Hi Coconut Monkey,

In the first place, I really want to upgrade my video card and to experience how to install this kind of pci card into the pc. So, either of the two can be used. One more thing, is it possible to install 64, or 128, or 256MB pci video card to my pc? Thanks!

In the first place, I really want to upgrade my video card and to experience how to install this kind of pci card into the pc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to force anything upon you. I'm just concerned that your upgrade may not be warranted - from what I can see, you have a very low end system, so I have wonder if you'll achieve the performance boost you're expecting. Is there an application or game that's running slow? Is it just Windows in general?

So, either of the two can be used. One more thing, is it possible to install 64, or 128, or 256MB pci video card to my pc? Thanks!

No problem with any of those memory sizes. However, I don't know of any PCI graphics cards with chipsets that would make use of 256Mb of onboad memory, so I wouldn't bother with such models.


The truth is one of my games always crashed so, I forced the pc to turn it off and start it again. My pc has dual systems (Win98SE & Win2K). The game I have mentioned is running fine with Win98 but in Win2k the game crashed. The video card driver that I downloaded for win2K from driverguide.com really works aside from this game. So I decided to buy a new video card to get a perfect driver for my dual systems. Any suggestions, please... Thanks

Processor - AMD K6 with 550MHZ

What is the game in question?


it is zuma from gamehouse. I was also wondering coz it runs fine with win98. So I conclude the video driver for win2k is not enough to run it. Compaq until now doesn't have a video driver for win2k in its site. I am happy to play with this game. In case the new released video cards won't fit with my needs. I will stick to my onboard video and stay away from that game. What do you think? Thanks

Hi Coconut Monkey,

I will have to use my onboard video forever and need to uninstall the said game. The store advised me not to upgrade the pc anymore instead buy a new released computer. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with me. At least, my problem is nearly solved. Have a nice day...

You can still upgrade the graphics in the PC. That's no problem.

The question becomes: was the game even compatible with 2k in the first place? I've had tons of games run well in 98, but crash in 2000. Neverwinter Nights was a big one for me.

Hi alc6379,

The said game was running fine in other pc which has also win2k os. So I think the video driver is at fault. I never found an exact driver for it. Thanks for your reply...

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