while i am working in software i can hear some sound from my harddisk...what sound is that.if it continues it will harm my computer.??

It may be due to some dust in your hard drive. It reduces the performance of the hard drive.

It may be due to some dust in your hard drive. It reduces the performance of the hard drive.

It is highly unlikely to be dust in the drive. It would already be dead if it were unsealed enough to allow dust particles into the drive assembly. On many drives there is a carbon electrode in the center of the drive hub that has a copper strip resting on it (spring loaded) to drain static charge buildup from the drive/platter assembly which would cause data be be lost. These sometimes start to make noise as the carbon and copper parts wear from friction. Usually, it just gets irritating, but I have never had this cause lost data. Usually, when it gets too irritating, I just replace the drive to keep my sanity.

It may be due to some dust in your hard drive. It reduces the performance of the hard drive.

my sister-inlaw .called me on day and said she was having problems with her hard drive ,and asked if i would have a look at it ,i said yes ,she came to my door with here computer tower,i said whats this ,she said my hard drive ,so if you think like my sister-inlaw,then yes it could be a problem with dust .

Yeah! Ok! She probably took the drive apart to "dust" it... :-)

Yeah! Ok! She probably took the drive apart to "dust" it... :-)

no, you missed my point ,she thought the whole tower was called a hard drive

commented: lol +7

no, you missed my point ,she thought the whole tower was called a hard drive

Ah! Well, it's not too surprising. A lot of folks see their monitor, and think that's the computer! If it is an iMac, it may well be! :-)

ohh..ya ya...some ppl are still there like that we guys have to educate them.even as you said so many of friends thinks monitor is wat main thing in computer ..

all the hard dish have very less life time of 3 to 5 years based on the usage .
before its getting dead you must back up all your critical data .
the sound from hard disk tells it needs replacement soon .

what the fudge was this thread started for ,anyway

Hmmmm... the built in cup holder?

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