I have Kingston 4 GB USB,There is nothing wrong , I often use this device to exchange data for my personal and office computer,But I often face the problems of Malware,viruses ect even scanned each time on windows XP.Any recommendation????

Are you saying that your thumb drive has been infected with viruses/malware in the past? From your home computer, or from the office computer? You also indicate that your AV software scans the device on insertion. Is that true? On both systems?

Use malwarebytes to remove any possible surviving malware on the thumb drive. I need to know what is your antivirus software? See this as well

I think the poster was annoyed that he had to check whether his pendrive was infected or not because the last time he used his pendrive, it was infected a lot. and now he want a solution how to make this annoying stuff go away...

The only way to help him is that he reply to us as quickly as possible. I need to know what pendrive model and brand. And did malware bytes destroy all the malware. If not do a complete reformat of the pendrive. I need to know a lot of things to help the poster fight back the virus problem. So he have to reply quickly.

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