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The attempt to burn a disc failed.. An unknown error occured. (4450)

So what does this mean? I'm terribly lost! Help! My burner worked fine a couple of weeks ago, now it's saying: The attempt to burn a disc failed. An unknown error occurred (4450). Any help would be appreciated!!

happens every once and a while for me too...i just restart my computer and it is always fine when i try it again. Does this work for you?

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No, something went wrong and we lost everything. Didn't get a chance to copy and all went bye,bye. Itunes won't do anything about it but I never got a chance to copy it. What a bogus operation.

you can always get montly subscription music downloads like napster, realplayer, or yahoo. (its like less than $10 a month for unlimited music downloads for as long as you keep the service.) Not that im a mac hater/itunes hater, but there are better options out there. Btw, microsoft will be releasing their own mp3 player later this year that will be drm compatable of course.

it happened on me as well im using itune to burn everytime i used cd-r it happened but every time that i used cd-w it burn i think it really depends upon the cd that i used.

No, something went wrong and we lost everything. Didn't get a chance to copy and all went bye,bye. Itunes won't do anything about it but I never got a chance to copy it. What a bogus operation.

You can acquire a one time regrant of all your iTunes purchases if you have lost them. Go to>Music Purchases>Lost or missing items. You will see either a chat icon or email icon appear in the upper right. Send the a request for a regrant, your Apple Account information and a detailed explanation of what happened. They will go to your account and grant a ONE TIME regrant of authority to download your purchases. Don't Panic

THAT WHEN THE tile and the pople that made it then it freez when it say grand theft auto sandandrea:(

Solution: go to Control Panel-->Admin Tools-->Event Viewer-->Applications (windows logs in Win7)and you'll see why. Generally there will be a warning around the time or an error. In cases I've seen it's be cause the iTunes Library file (iTunes Music Library.xml) has been corrupted. My Recommendation is to uninstall iTunes, go to your iTunes folder and delete it and reinstall (c:\documents and settings\my music\iTunes\ or c:\users\*username*\music\iTunes).

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