I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 with Windows 7

What is Bios? Does it need to be updated?

BIOS is like a human heart so if it's goes wrong, so do other systems.

BIOS updates mostly not needed and not recommended for beginners to do it because if BIOS flash fail, it could cost your entire machine...

Is there perhaps a specific reason why you would want to update your BIOS? If so, what might that reason be and if not, don't bother with things like that.

I have a Dell Inspiron N5010 with Windows 7

When I am running on battery power, I used to get a warning at 10% in the lower right of the screen telling me to plug in.

I no longer receive this message. Instead, I receive a more serious warning at 7% in the middle of the screen that tells me to plug in.

What happened? Why is my laptop behaving differently?

When I called tech support, they wanted to update the BIOS.

Did you perhaps ask them why you should update it? Always ask why so that you can also understand the problem for next time. I myself am not particularly sure whats wrong buy it doesn't seem too major though.

If they said update BIOS would fix it, then do a BIOS update as suggested. It would be nothing major but it would fix the problem you're having currently...

But please always be careful when flashing new BIOS if it need to be done manually because one single mistake and you could lost your laptop. There should be an automatic BIOS updater on Dell Support Centre so go there to download latest BIOS update...

I was told by tech support that updating the BIOS might not fix this problem. I am nervous about updating the BIOS because if anuthing goes wrong, the laptop would be useless.

Why did this message stop popping up?

Which message?

I used to receive a message at 10% to plug in the laptop. I no longer receive this message.

So that means you do not have to update your bios anymore:). You might want to take a look at this.

I used to receive a message at 10% to plug in the laptop. I no longer receive this message.

it is my opinion that the bios update will not fix this problem because you use to get the 10% message before ,you could try setting the bios to defaults to see if it changes the power options setting back to normal
sorry i do not know why it doesn't warn you at 10% anymore ,but neither did dell tech support ,so i don't feel bad about not knowing .

So that means you do not have to update your bios anymore:). You might want to take a look at this.

he/she no longer gets the 10% message [not a good thing in his opinion]but instead gets a more serious message at 7%,he/she would like help getting the 10% message back

Oh I see, thanks for telling me that caperjack. I thought the problem was solved. I have never encountered problem like this, so i am not sure how to help you. Have you try reformating your laptop although i do not like the idea.

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