i tried connecting my laptop to the tv with a s-video cable but only my desktop wallpaper appear on the TV screen. what's the problem?

What were you trying to do? It sounds like you wanted your Laptop to show up though the TV. And you said you saw your desktop right? thats what you wanted? I think you may need to eleborate the question ;).

i mentioned only the desktop wallppr. nothingelse on screen except for that.
tried to watch a movie on tv by hooking up my laptop to the tv. but it didnt work
only the desktop wallppr appear on my tv screen. no icons no mouse pointer.

I'm guessing you have to setup the system as if there are 2 monitors. I'm guessing that windows thinks the TV is a secondary monitor, perhaps an extention of the desktop, and you could essentially DRAG windows from your laptop monitor to your TV (monitor).

I'm guessing you have to setup the system as if there are 2 monitors. I'm guessing that windows thinks the TV is a secondary monitor, perhaps an extention of the desktop, and you could essentially DRAG windows from your laptop monitor to your TV (monitor).

how to do that?

You need to set your TV to be monitor 1.

You can tell which one is which by pressing Identify. The number will appear on each component.

To make you number to connection your number 1 connection.

Go to advanced, go to display (far right). This will show you TV connection. Press the button 1 under neath it. This should make your TV number 1 and then give you the ability to view everything on your TV.

Hope this helps.

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