
This problem is occuring on my Dell Latitude Cpi A400XT.
I just reinstalled Windows ME to try to resolve the problem however the system monitor reports that the cpu is 36-79% in use all the time (even after 10min of being idle).

I asked for help in another thread (called Battery life mistakenly posted in the networking forum) but I didn't really want users to post too much about the cpu (I thought it was just some random program always running but it is not) So here I am asking for help.

Does anyone know the solution?

Thanks, javanoob101

Why are you running WinMe? Is that the latest Windows OS your hardware will support? As for the CPU usage, look at the services running to determine which are possibly taking up your CPU. My guess is that if you have some sort of anti-virus program installed that does on-access scanning, then that is your culprit. Those tools can totally suck the performance out of a system.

I could easily put on Windows Xp but I still like the feel of Windows Me (I know it's a bad choice though). The laptop was designed for use with Win98 anyway.

No I dont have any anti-virus software installed. It is a fresh install--which is why I'm puzzled... The only programs running are system monitor and explorer.
When I boot into safe mode however, the computer shuts off the hdd after 5 mins to conserve power. but if I boot normally, it doesn't. I can't tell what programs are running in safe mode (system montior doesn't work in safe mode)but I know something's up. I even disbled all static VXD's and the enire startup group in the msconfig utility so I don't see a program I install to be the culprit.

Sorry for the long post!


Well, IMHO WinME was a kluge of the worst sort! If anyone is still using it, they should be taken out to the woodshed and given a great big whack up their backside! However, considering that just about 3 people in the world are probably still using it today, the good thing is that most viruses won't bother with it!

I'd say scan it with Mbam and Avast (free versions of both are available). It's entirely possible that you have a boot sector nasty. A boot sector nasty can easily survive a full format of the hard drive as even a full format won't re-write the boot sector.

I'm not saying that this is definitely the cause of your problem but it's a good possibility!

I'd say scan it with Mbam and Avast (free versions of both are available). It's entirely possible that you have a boot sector nasty. A boot sector nasty can easily survive a full format of the hard drive as even a full format won't re-write the boot sector.

I'm not saying that this is definitely the cause of your problem but it's a good possibility!

I doubt any modern antivirus will run on non-NT systems.


I have some odd news.
I was reading the last replies about using Mbam so I turned on my laptop but the battery is low so I closed the lid and oddly enough, the hdd turned off! However, the system monitor reports the processor is still 30-40% in use (even though the hdd is off) also the hdd light flashes every 2 seconds (you can hardly see it stay on though) even when the hdd is off.

Maybe is system has past it's prime?


Just thought I'd post in this thread and see if anyone can help.
The laptop's state (still has the problem) is still there and I haven't been able to fix it yet.


tell me your problem ..

The cpu is always going to have idle processes running (drawing screen, networking, etc.) so you'll always have 30% or so cpu usage if you have other applications and processes running. Any by the looks of it, your computer is rather old, so any modern application is going to squeeze the juice completely out of your computer.

You could always install a Linux operating system on your laptop... :-)

Thanks for the replies everyone! This isn't really a huge problem, rather a minor annoyance (I want to squeeze out every last breath out of this old laptop). As for installing Linux, it is worth considering scince I may be working with Linux computers in the future as I hope to repair computers as a living.

Javanoob 101

hey javanoob101 ,, i think you r right.. some unwanted program in your system by default from the boot up..
if you want to see them
type in run or in search option msconfig
that show that your pc in normal mode ...
which software is unwanted stop them and restart pc...
if not working then ill give u a software link..
til then keep it up

Does Windows ME have a task manager? Perhaps the System Monitor ITSELF is what is using the CPU!

Windows Me sounds the problem itself try to get another version of windows

Wow another old thread I failed to close... Sorry guys.
Anyway, the laptop is old and I do not use it anymore thus this problem is ilrelevent now. The answer: don't worry about the cpu useage unless it hampers the computer's preformance.


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