I am having a problem with my USB, actually its a 8GB Kingston pen drive. I got some files (for around 1gb) but when i open these files, they are either unreadable (word docs) or the software (like adobe reader) said unsupported format..

Anyone can help ?

wow that is CRAZY!...what happens when you try to move the files?

edit-perhaps the pendrive is encrypted?

wow that is CRAZY!...what happens when you try to move the files?

edit-perhaps the pendrive is encrypted?

Its the same.. Its as if the files got corrupted once copied on to the drive.. I saw some guys saying they got it format by a software HP Drive Key Boot Utility.. But its not compatible on windows 7..

Is it a new unit? Has it worked properly in the past?

Is it a new unit? Has it worked properly in the past?

Yea was working fine for sometime and then KO !! l0l

oh...probably someone just yanked it outta there while data tranfer was still in progress..without clicking the 'safely remove hardware'...i'm not sure if that's fixable.

was the files copied from another machine?

Feformatting it should either kill or cure it. It's 50/50 at best.

yes, reformatting will fix it, but the files will be lost..sometimes you gotta reformat with other formatting apps(or a different OS). if windows 7 detects the problem, sometimes it tries to recover the files, but usually only fragments. then then files are called 'found.001','found.002', etc. but i don't know what to do after that...

There is a possibility that Recuva could recover the files after a format provided the files weren't corrupted.
Recuva can easily be found with google and is a completely free bit of software.

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