Can someone please help.

Recently after my brother has been using the computer and entering BIOS settings, my computer will not boot correctly. The power on light is green and everything seems on, but nothing will come up on the screen.

I think, possibly that my brother has changed the CPU frequency in BIOS settings. Does someone know how to reset the BIOS settings to default. I cannot turn on the computer to press any keys, although I have tried many times.

If you can help please reply!

Thanks for your help, if you can.

Can someone please help.

Recently after my brother has been using the computer and entering BIOS settings, my computer will not boot correctly. The power on light is green and everything seems on, but nothing will come up on the screen.

I think, possibly that my brother has changed the CPU frequency in BIOS settings. Does someone know how to reset the BIOS settings to default. I cannot turn on the computer to press any keys, although I have tried many times.

If you can help please reply!

Thanks for your help, if you can.

You can try removing the CMOS battery and reinserting it. Worked for me yesterday.

yes m8,change ur jumper settings,2 pins that r not connected on ur motherboard need to be bridge together with jumper pins,this should clear your bios and resolve any problems,check ur manual aswell,hope this helps

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