Thanks in advance to anyone who can lend assistance. I am trying to determine if I have a faulty motherboard. Heres the system I put together.

Intel Pentium 4 640 3.2 GHZ Processor
Intel BOXD955XBKLKR ATX Intel Motherboard
eVGA Geforce 6800GS 256-P2-N386-AX Video Card

After building the system I attempted to start the pc. The fans move, including the processor and Video Card fans. But nothign appears on the screen. There are NO AUDIBLE BEEPS to alert of ram or other problems. I tried disconnecting all non-essential devices (hard drive etc) but still the same problem. I tried making sure the ram and video cards were seeded properly, but still no luck. I also made sure the monitor worked of course. The power light indicator on the motherboard is lit, but nothing seems to happen. Any ideas?



Thanks in advance to anyone who can lend assistance. I am trying to determine if I have a faulty motherboard. Heres the system I put together.

Intel Pentium 4 640 3.2 GHZ Processor
Intel BOXD955XBKLKR ATX Intel Motherboard
eVGA Geforce 6800GS 256-P2-N386-AX Video Card

After building the system I attempted to start the pc. The fans move, including the processor and Video Card fans. But nothign appears on the screen. There are NO AUDIBLE BEEPS to alert of ram or other problems. I tried disconnecting all non-essential devices (hard drive etc) but still the same problem. I tried making sure the ram and video cards were seeded properly, but still no luck. I also made sure the monitor worked of course. The power light indicator on the motherboard is lit, but nothing seems to happen. Any ideas?



Do you have another power supply you can use to test with? It kind of sounds like it could also be a faulty power supply. We should definatly start there first.

Do you have another power supply you can use to test with? It kind of sounds like it could also be a faulty power supply. We should definatly start there first.

Switched out with a known good power supply so I know thats not the problem. Problem is I have no other PCI express video cards or compatible CPUs/MoBos to switch. Any other ideas?

did you follow the directions of the motherboard manual to set all of the pin settings correct?

did you follow the directions of the motherboard manual to set all of the pin settings correct?

If you are refering to the bios setting jumper. Yes, it's correct. I did discover something interesting. The fans in the system will only turn if the CPU power plug is not connected. If connected the pc will not do anything. The fans will start to turn for about a quarter of a second and then nothing. My hunch is a problem with the CPU. Any help with that one?

If you are refering to the bios setting jumper. Yes, it's correct. I did discover something interesting. The fans in the system will only turn if the CPU power plug is not connected. If connected the pc will not do anything. The fans will start to turn for about a quarter of a second and then nothing. My hunch is a problem with the CPU. Any help with that one?

It is possible...that was in the back of my mind. You should double check to make sure that the processor heatsink is properly and firmly cliped down on all sides of the motherboard mounting bracket.

so what did the problem end up being I seem to be having the exact same problem except i am using a really old video card because this was only ment to be a file server with no need for a monitor. all interface was going to be done remotely and all i need was to set it up using a old junker of a video card. So was the problem you encountered software/hardware and what did you do to fix it?

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