I am trying to figure out what this computer has, it's a small HP Windows XP desktop. It gives me the "Non System Disk Error" message. However, I tried to change the boot sequence to "floppy" (none said CD specifically).

The CD tray opens and closes, however if I put a bootable cd, it won't boot from it, it takes me to Non system disk.

May the CD drive also be damaged that doesn't let me boot from it?

Should I try to boot from a USB? I have never made a bootable USB, if I should do so, can someone hint me how to make one?

Thank you all!

Hi! Usually laptops, and more older ones do that. My dvd writer sometimes read DVDs and sometimes doesn't. And don't get me started on making DVDs which is like a dream to me.
So yes, you should try a bootable USB. If you are using windows now you can try this little software here. And to boot from the USB you just have to plug it in, start your laptop and from the boot menu chose your USB. Be aware that the instalation speed might be like 2-3 times slower than from a CD.

So, I am not clear on what you meant by the boot sequence order.. Is there an option to choose CD/DVD as the primary device to boot from? If so, you are unable to boot from that type of media?

"I tried to change the boot sequence to "floppy" (none said CD specifically).

The CD tray opens and closes, however if I put a bootable cd, it won't boot from it, it takes me to Non system disk."

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