This is a problem im finally fed up with.

My laptop (Compaq Armada m700) is having a problem where the screen has become loose. The hinge that that is swings on no longer sticks in to place. When I use the laptop I either have to prop something behind the screen or just hold it.

I have tried solving the problem on my own by doing some simple tighting of the screws.

If anyone knows of anyway to fix this without replacing the hinges I would be very thankful.

This is a problem im finally fed up with.

My laptop (Compaq Armada m700) is having a problem where the screen has become loose. The hinge that that is swings on no longer sticks in to place. When I use the laptop I either have to prop something behind the screen or just hold it.

I have tried solving the problem on my own by doing some simple tighting of the screws.

If anyone knows of anyway to fix this without replacing the hinges I would be very thankful.

I have the same problem with my Compaq m700, The screen flops back and forth like a fish out of water. I didn't see a reply to your post with a fix, by chance have you discovered a solution? Thanks!

Hi, I had the same problem with an old laptop. I solved it by gluing it with a strong-glue which I thought I would never find, but its at any store.

use JB-WELD epxoy... @walmart in automotive section. iswear u can glue water together with that stuff (j/K). but for $4 it's worth a try.

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