I have user's 4510s laptop that wont boot. According to him the there was a powercut and they shutdown the machine but when they tried to restart it wouldn't boot. Presssing ESC does nothing and even putting Hiren's CD does not boot from the CD. the scenario is similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN9-1ET00Rg. I have tried to remove both the hard drive and RAM and there is no beep or anything.
Please help

To begin the Windows 7 Startup Repair process, you will need to boot from the Windows 7 or Vista DVD.

Watch for a Press any key to boot from CD or DVD... message similar to the one shown in the screenshot above.

Press a key to force the computer to boot from the Windows 7 DVD. If you do not press a key, your PC will try to boot to the operating system that's currently installed on your hard drive. If this happens, just restart your computer and try to boot to the Windows installation DVD again.

Well here is what worked for me. I removed the battery and left the computer overnight. On the next morning I put the battery back and pressed ESC and got onto the Boot device menu and just pressed ENTER to continue, said a prayer and voila windows started.

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