i was posting my problems in the virus board, but since that's seemingly not the problem anymore, i thought i'd start one here and see if i can get more responses.

anyways, here's my problem. my computer will not reboot into normal mode or safe mode. all i get when i try is the BSOD (bloody bastard!) the error code is something like 0x000000000(there's alot of 0's)8E. i'm not quite sure if that is of much significance, or if it will help troubleshoot at all.

this happened apparently because when i ran an antivirus to get rid of a trojan it also got rid of something else vital to the functioning of my computer (that's what i've been told, i've got no clue personally)

i tried doing a repair install of windows a few days back when i was able to get on my computer in safe mode, but after i did that nothing happened with the exception of the BSOD appearing when rebooting into safe mode in consequence. i have no clue what the meaning of this is....

anybody have suggestions? it seems like i'm screwed, but it's worth a shot... also if i do have to wipe out my hard drive and reinstall everything, could somebody please give me some rough guidelines or a link as to how to do this?

put the windows cd in the drive like you would be running a windows repair...hit r for repair...when you get to the command promot, type chkdsk c: /r and hit enter. it will run check disk to see if you hard disk is faulty and it will attempt to repair the bad clusters if it is.

put the windows cd in the drive like you would be running a windows repair...hit r for repair...when you get to the command promot, type chkdsk c: /r and hit enter. it will run check disk to see if you hard disk is faulty and it will attempt to repair the bad clusters if it is.

i did this and it said that it found errors and fixed (or at least attempted to fix) them... not in those exact words but something to that affect.

anyways i'm still getting the BSOD when i reboot and in safe mode... didnt' do anything significant... i guess it's back to the wiping out my hard drive thing... how do i do this?

i guess it's back to the wiping out my hard drive thing... how do i do this?

Boot from Win install cd

- If you don't have data on your C drive that you cann't obtain again, the best, safest and quickest way is to quickformat your c partition in NTFS and install the windows there.

- Otherwise, install over existing windows without formatting, leaving a good chance to get your system infected if any virus remains in your system dirs.

- you be the judge

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