What Program can I use to view my desktop from a remote computer via the internet? I am using a free program called I'm InTouch. When I log on via the internet to see my desktop It's extremly slow and the graphics are horrible. Is there a better program or way of logging on to my computer Via the internet?

I recommend Symantec PC anywhere. I have used it in the past and was very happy with it.

Jeff woo woo backup buddy. Name a couple before that recommandation.

PC Anywhere is the biggest name but, to me at least not the best bet.

VNC is tight because of the muilt user platform support.

Here where it get tricky. Remotely Anywhere is the coolest Remote Desktop app it monitors everything so well you need to try it out to believe it. It is web based you have the server and the other side has the Brower. Now everything is perfect couldn't get better expect the Remote Desktop part. Mouse & keyboard movements never been worse. So I gave it 5 out of 5 on the monitor part but, a 0/5 on the remote desktop part.

GotoMyPC try it see if you like it if you want something web based.

Here is my fav Remote Adminisitrator www.radmin.com
This is the simplest easiest and fastest I ever seen. I am on a Windows 95 box at work with 16MB when I access the home PC from home and it smokes in speed makes me feel that I am at home. Fast refresh rate never seen better has file transfer etc etc 1024bit excry. You can't go wrong with this product. Free to try $30 to buy. By the way this app is not web based you need to install a 1.3MB file.
That's my two cents.

Which operating system would be the host, and which would be the client? A lot of this makes a big difference. If you are concerned about cross compatability, then I would recommend VNC, because to my knowledge it has the best support across Windows/Mac/Unices, and you can even port it to other things using the source code.

right now I use VNC, and as they have said, it supports multi-platform... and it's very simple and easy to use. I've been using VNC for over 3 months now and I havn't complained since. I'll give radmin a try one of these days... :)

This topic is a very valid topic, and there aren't any issues with the topic itself, but in the future try to keep threads in a related parent forum. This really doesn't belong in a "Hardware" forum. No big issue, but it helps others in the future if they have a smiliar question to find things easier.

Jeff woo woo backup buddy. Name a couple before that recommandation.

PC Anywhere is the biggest name but, to me at least not the best bet.

Yes, to you, it may not be the best. It is still my recommandation in 90% of the cases. PC Anywere doesn't take alot of skill or effort to set up and it is quite versitile. There may be other programs that are considerably more efficient, but none that I am familiar with enough to recommend. I have tried out GotoMyPC, and found the service horrible. I haven't had the opportunity to try Remote Administrator though, I will keep it in mind next time I need to use remote access.

Yes, to you, it may not be the best. It is still my recommandation in 90% of the cases.

That's fine dude I wasn't ragging on you man. Everyone try Remote Admin I have a good feeling you will all switch. By the way it uses Port 4899 by default it is small in size and fast in keyboard/mouse movements. What is Unices hahaha I can't stop laughing that is funny man.

PC Anywhere is the biggest name but, to me at least not the best bet.

About this comment, we have tried making use of PCanywhere in my office a few times. It is a big name software package, which you'd think would make it better and more reliable, but think again. I have had nothing but trouble with it and it's interface is too slow to keep my interested (why can't everything in this world be set up for a 'click-and-you're-there' environment?) :evil:

You may check with this remote access software as it is fast and cost effective. It has options to select color modes for example a Full color mode provide a realistic feel of the remote computer during remote access. I've been using it for six months and have never had a problem.

Try www.radmin.com being a network administrator for years this has been the best remote access software. No bugs and also faster then VNC and PC Anywhere.

You may check with this remote access software as it is fast and cost effective. It has options to select color modes for example a Full color mode provide a realistic feel of the remote computer during remote access. I've been using it for six months and have never had a problem.

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