AMD or Intel? I'm curious what everyone in this area is using and their reasoning. There will forever be the arguement of which is better, so everyone try to back your reasoning well. Let's see if we can solve this arguement once and for all. ;) :cheesy:

BTW, I am 100 percent for AMD. On a clock-to-clock basis they outperform Intel, no questions asked. Being a hardcore hardware guy, that's probably what matters most in a chip for myself: Performance :cheesy:

I've been pro-amd since the athlons. Currently I use dual athlon MP chips in my pute-pute. But if I were to build a new system right now, I may go towards intel again. Their newest p4 chips, I've read, are quite impressive. If going for a dual setup, intel's best will beat out amd's best. Strangely though, if running only a single chip for the dual setup, the amd chip is slightly better versus an intel xeon single chip configuration. Hmm, I didn't help you decide did I?

What about Sparc? ;-)

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