HP envy i7 with radeon 7670

I got rid of all graphics drivers and installed the 290. I got no display. no beeps, power supply is 600w high efficiency hp

there are no instruction with the card, although it is brand new. sapphire has no support contact on web page. what little pamphlet was there just said install the card, even though there are some power connectors that need to be connected to the power supply.

if I put back the 7670 I turn on and get an almost instant response on the monitor with an HP logo but with the 290 there's nothing and the power switch just flashes. again, no beeps, the computer sounds as if it comes up and runs normally. I've tried safe mode and low resolution mode to no avail and getting very tired of chaning that giant card out of there to replace the original.

any ideas would be welcome. I'll be back on tomorrow

An R9 290? Is that also a Radeon card? Does it require a dedicated power supply? Some high-end video cards have a power socked and require a cable from the system power supply to connect with it. Also, depending upon other loads, 600 watts may not be sufficient. Finally, are you sure it is in a correct bus slot? Is this a PCIx16 or other?

Sometimes you can't add a GPU to a HP computer, because the HP bios resricts the use of other GPU's. If that is the problem, you can only put specific videocards in the system. What model HP do you have?

I can look for you if that is the case.

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