I have facing a problem of my Laptop which is HP Pavilion g6. My laptop is going to very hot staring time to after 30 munites. Somebody help me.

You might as well want to reapply the thermal paste to the CPU

You can also try configuring your power settings to only speed up the cpu and RAM when needed for processing purposes, throttling it down when not necessary. This will usually help control system temperatures. Don't set it on maximum continual power.

i had that problem before. when we opened the laptop, the fan was full of dusts, and the thermal paste was worn out.

Power setting changed can be useful.

I hate laptops when they have dust in them

HP Pavilion g6 have favorite complaint is cooling fan .change the cooling fan and clean the dust in cpu area.fix cooling with sufficiant cooling paste.

I was having the same problem a week ago, took my laptop at the shop for repairing. It was shutting down after heating up, then I came to know that there was something stuck in the fan, they just fix it and cleaned the fan, now it is okay.
If it is not the problem with your laptop then you ought to apply the paste that is available in the market, here it is somewhat costly but you can check it.
Hope this will help you out.

You should clean the fan of your laptop twice a year to prevent over heating. Likewise, the more hardware component you add, it can increase heat on your laptop temperature.

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