
I have been using this desktop PC for over 2 years.It dint have any problem/ issues until it showed some weird behaviour over the past few months. I never switch off the power,this is because -incase I switch off the power. It's hard to get my computer ON again.I have to wait for another couple of hours and then switch the power button.
Few days back i installed a network card to it and after then when I tried to switch on the power, I am unsuccesful.There r no fans, except a green LED on the Motherboard on.A couple of hours later I tried switching ON the power.Well it switched on...I could hear it building up, the red & green LED on the front panel came on after a few seconds the red light went OFF ...absolutely no fans etc..I switched off the Pc..But now I don't even have the HDD power except the greeLEd on the MOBO. Could any one guide me please..

Thanks all in advance for your support

Well, if it was after you installed the network card then the obvious first step would be to remove the network card and check the OEM website for your motherboard and the network card to check for compatibility and see if the computer boots correctly sans the card.

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